Youth Mental Health Day (YMHD) – 19th September 2024.

Posted by: melissafranklin - Posted on:

Youth Mental Health Day is observed on 19th September every year. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of mental health among young people and encourages conversations about mental well-being.

The theme for YMHD 2024 is


As the digital landscape continues to evolve at pace, young people are growing up in a world unrecognisable compared to 10 years ago. Being able to instantly connect with peers, expressing creativity, and accessing entertainment and information in an instant, are just a few of the many positives the online world presents.

Yet for every positive there is a negative, and the online world poses many hidden and overt harms that young people didn’t have to face ten years ago.

Following conversations with young people, stem4 has chosen to dedicate Youth Mental Health Day 2024 to the theme #ControlYourScroll, so that we can equip young people with the simple digital hacks and mental health strategies needed for a positive and safe online experience.