The Retirement of Dr Bietzk

We are sad to inform you that Dr Bietzk will be retiring from his position of GP Partner at the end of the year.
He will be missed by staff and patients alike, but his retirement is well deserved after 43 years working for the NHS.
He has written some words to mark his retirement:
After what will be 13 years at Oakham, Market Overton and Somerby, and 43 years working for the NHS, I have decided the time is right to retire from the practice and see what is yet to come.
During those years, I have seen General Practice change so much. When I started there were no computerised records and no mobile phones and area administration was carried out from a small house whereas we are now lost without technology and administration is spread across multiple offices and buildings. Alongside these changes the pressures and expectations and what is now carried out in Primary Care has also changed so much.
Even since being in Rutland the changes have continued at pace but of one thing I am sure, despite the adversity and pressures, that everyone I have worked with has and really does want to do their best to support their patients.
I have many happy and sad memories from those years and have been privileged to meet and care for extraordinary people and generations of families and be part of their lives.
It will be sad to leave at the end of the year but hopefully paths will still cross, and I know the practices are in good hands to continue to flourish and continue to provide excellent care.
We wish him a happy and restful retirement!