Patient Participation Group


Your local Patient Participation Group (PPG) is an independent group of volunteer patients who work closely with the surgeries at Market Overton and Somerby. The Market Overton and Somerby Surgeries Patient Participation Group (MOSS PPG) is currently formed of 10 people who are all patients at the surgeries . Anyone who is a patient at either of the surgeries is welcome to join the MOSS PPG and to attend meetings. If you are interested in joining the PPG, please contact us on the MOSS PPG email address ; 


Our main objective is to help maintain and improve communication between patients and the Team delivering service at the surgeries . We ensure that any issues of concern raised by patients are brought to the attention of those running the surgeries and also to highlight excellent work where it has been delivered. We exchange information and ideas with the surgeries to suggest and review potential improvements to processes and procedures  with the overall aim being to enhance the patient experience.


The PPG meets regularly with the Team running the surgeries and has an open dialogue with the Team members to understand any changes that are being planned and to keep fully updated on the services available , for example on updates to vaccination programmes. We produce minutes of the meetings including the agreed actions – copies of the minutes are put on the MOSS PPG notice boards in the surgeries for patients to see them. We would like to encourage patients to give feedback , both positive and negative , on their experience of the services they receive at the surgeries . Please contact us on the MOSS PPG email address ; with any comments you have. There are also “Have Your Say” leaflets next to the MOSS PPG notice boards  in the reception area at each surgery for patients to write any comments in confidence and leave them in the boxes at both surgeries.


All registered patients are welcome to attend any meeting of the MOSS PPG without giving prior notice. Dates of meetings are shown in the minutes posted on the MOSS PPG notice boards. If you would like to receive information and Newsletters from the MOSS PPG by email , please complete the short form below ;

PPG Sign Up

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